From the basics to the hottest current topics: a vast bank of easy to follow learning resources on Genetics.

Epigenetics: Can we control our genes?
For a long time, scientists believed that it wasn’t possible to alter our genetic code. Now, epigenetics is changing the game.
What have we learned from the Human Genome Project?
The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 to learn how the 3.2 billion base pairs contained in the human genome are ordered. But, what are the benefits of this?

So, do you really want to know?
At-home personal genomics kits are available and affordable, but how relevant are the results?

In the last few years, DNA evidence has started to play a big part in many nations' criminal justice systems. Learn how DNA evidence is scientifically achieved.

Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice.
Learn how genetic manipulation of the most eaten food in the world can help over two billion people to survive.
'Alien' genes escape into wild corn.
Now it's official: genes from genetically modified corn have escaped into wild varieties in rural Mexico.
Trial begins for HIV gene therapy.
Learn how a dead simple technique, based on the use of special DNA-cutting enzymes, could immunize people against HIV.

For the first time, geneticists diagnose disease through whole-genome analysis.
A differrent approach to gene sequencing proves cheaper, faster and useful in medicine.

'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists.
20 May 2010: scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA.

The 5 current genetic experiments most likely to destroy Humanity.
If there's one thing scientists have a knack for, it's turning seemingly innocent things into horrifying specters of terror. Here are some examples.

Simple and clear animation showing the main steps to take in animal cloning.
Today, after more than a decade since Dolly, human cloning remains in its infancy and under governmental restraints. Nevertheless, science is headed in that direction. Learn how the inevitable human cloning future will be.

First camel clone born in Dubai.
Scientists in Dubai say they have created the world's first cloned camel.

Excellent and very comprehensive animation showing everything you need to know about human stem cells.