A most amazing collection of essays explaining everything you want to know about evolution and more. Don't miss the first one, Introduction to Evolutionary Biology for a great overview on the topic. Also available is the full text of Darwin's The Origin of Species.

An even better and wider collection of articles to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Evolution and never dared to ask. The Evolution 101 course is just the perfect introduction to the topic, nicely complemented with good quality images.

Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle.
Google Earth file showing Charles Darwin's voyage on the Beagle. Much more information in the author's website.
Darwin: the "reluctant revolutionary".
Series of podcasts produced by the U.S. National Public Radio on a variety of Darwin's related topics.

Recipe For Evolution: Variation, Selection & Time.
Learn about the three simple ingredients that drive evolution.
12 elegant examples of Evolution.
Compilation of especially elegant and enlightening examples of evolution.

Top 10 in-depth articles about evolution from New Scientist.
Learn why creatures which reproduce sexually, such as humans, have not been overrun by those which reproduce asexually.

Apples' autumn colour change clue.
Apple-trees' autumn red colours could have evolved to warn insects, a study says.