- Concepts of health and disease.
- General types of diseases: infectious, hereditary, nutritional, chronic, terminal…
- Microbial diseases.
- Infectious diseases occurrence: epidemics and pandemics.
- Fighting infectious diseases: the immune system, vaccination, antibiotics.
- Malnutrition, eating disorders and digestive system related diseases.
- Respiratory system related diseases.
- Circulatory system related diseases.
- Good habits to keep a healthy heart.
- Urinary system related diseases.
- Degenerative nervous diseases.
- Drug addictions.
- Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.
- Sensory organs related diseases.
- Endocrine system related diseases.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Cancer.
Top 10 weirdest prescription drug side effects.
Most of us take prescription drugs: if all goes well, the drug works for you as it's supposed to. But there's no drug that works the same for everyone without any risks or side effects. Learn about some of the scariest ones.

Flu attack! How a virus invades your body.
Wondeful animation that shows you how viruses trick healthy cells to join the dark side.

Cholera's prevention preferable to its cure.
Learn how cholera kills by dehydration.

Killer cholera begins where other diseases end.
Learn how cholera can be treated succesfully.

How the world was rid of smallpox.
It's the only disease that humankind has successfully wiped out - and the eradication of smallpox was brought about by Edward Jenner.

This is your brain on caffeine.
Learn about the effects of caffeine withdrawal.