- Common features.
- Nutrition: type, systems of organs involved, role in the carbon cycle.
- Basic interaction mechanisms.
- Kinds of reproduction: asexual and sexual.
- Main groups of invertebrates: sponges, cnidarians, annelids, molluscs, arthropods and equinoderms.
- Main groups of vertebrates: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
A wonderful selection of 38 of the most beautiful and stunning images ever taken of the animal world. A must-see.

The Big Picture: Animals in the news.
From a minuscule frog to an albino whale, fluorescent fish to a deep-sea Chimera, collected here are a handful of photographs of animals and our interactions with them, as companions, caretakers, observers, hunters and stewards.

Thousands of new species discovered on tiny island.
An expedition to a tiny island in the South Pacific's Republic of Vanatu has yielded hundreds of new species, including possibly 1000 new species of crab.

20 of the world's weirdest endangered species.
The ugly stepchildren of the animal kingdom don't get much attention compared to the perennial endangered animal favorites like pandas or polar bears. But there are hundreds more animal species on our planet that are critically threatened.

360º panoramic view in various coral reefs in the world. Use the arrow keys of your keyboard to rotate the image, and the Shift and Control keys to zoom in and out.

How the Great Barrier Reef works.
Learn about the most amazing system of coral reef in the world. With images and videos.

Do jellyfish have the deadliest venom in the world?
Jellyfish tend to strike inocent bathers with very painful toxins. Learn about it.

Reach the molecular level of a fruit fly by zooming in from its head to its chromosomes.
Bees and ants 'operate in teams'.
Bees and ants are true team players unlike other creatures who seek safety in numbers for selfish reasons, according to researchers.

World's longest insect discovered.
A recently identified stick insect, from the island of Borneo, almost the length of a human arm, is the world's longest insect.

Weird fish with transparent head.
Startling photos and video of a recently discovered fish with transparent head.
Clever New Caledonian crows can use three tools.
New Caledonian crows have given scientists yet another display of their tool-using abilities.

Blue stork surprises German villagers.
A blue stork is proving to be a tourist attraction in a German village. Puzzled bird watchers are unsure how it got its distinctive colour.

Is there a difference between monkeys and apes?
Lemurs, prosimians, anthropoids, monkeys, apes, hominids... Let's put a bit of order within the primates.