- Origin, evolution and composition of the Earth's atmosphere.
- Structure of the Earth's atmosphere.
- Air pressure.
- Weather: types of clouds, cyclones, anticyclones, wind and precipitations.
The Atmosphere in Geography4kids.com.
Structure, pressure, circulation, greenhouse effect and more.

Watch a simple experiment that demonstrates the existence and the power of air pressure, as well as one of its possible uses.

The weirdest clouds that you'll ever see.
Cloud formations such as the mammatus, the lenticulars or the so called ufo clouds, among others, are perfect examples of how intricate and different nature can be.

Weather and climates in Geography4kids.com.
Factors that condition weather, measuring weather devices, seasons, and more.

The types of clouds in Geography4kids.com.
Stratus, cirrus, nimbostratus and cumulus.

Hurricanes, as seen from orbit.
Awesome photographs of hurricanes taken from various spacecrafts.